Document what you did in this session on Tuesday and Wednesday, list below under the headings:
- SKILLS: being able to edit photos on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
- PROCESSES (instruction) that you used:
- MATERIALS: computers, camera, hard drives,
client problem - planning research - test development - production
Make sure that the power is on for the scanner
On the computer go to launchpad in the dock
Go to the search bar at the top an type in IMAGE CAPTURE and select the icon
On the application select : devices - select the scanner
The scanner will then scan the image and you can save it to the desktop.
72dpi -screen (phones, tv, computer screen)
150dpi - newsprints
300dpi - photographic print
cmd shift 3 - screenshot full screen
cmd shift 4 - screenshot selected area
(Photoshop) cmd,D -opens images
(Photoshop) cmd,J - creates a layer
(Photoshop) shift cmd,E - compresses all layers
First open the crop tool in Photoshop
Then in the top bar we had to decide what the crop layout that was used in the five magazine/poster front covers that we had chosen. I decided to chose the rule of thirds layout for this magazine cover.
For this magazine I decided to choose the golden spiral layout because the end of the spiral finishes at a important point of the front cover.
For this magazine I decided to choose the grid layout.
For this magazine cover I decided to choose the rule of thirds layout because it seems to be split into 3 sections.
For the last magazine cove, I decided to chose the rule of thirds layout.
Start by importing your image into Photoshop and add a layer. Once the new layer has been selected go down to the bottom of the sidebar and select curves so that you can edit the contrast brightness etc.
Adjust the contrast and brightness etc, using the lines on the graph and adjust it to your liking. Then create a new layer ready to adjust the colour balance.
I adjusted the colour balance only slightly because I was happy with the colour of the photo.
The using the shortcut of 'shift' 'command' 'e' it will compress all the layers together and lock it all together
After all layers are compressed, use the rule of thirds crop tool to crop the image. And save it to your desktop.
Then open the InDesign application and open your photoshopped image and drag it to the size of the paper.
I created a new layer in layers on the side tab then added some text over the top of the page. I rotated it and resized it to the way I wanted it to look.
Because we had to base the font style on the font that we drew out the day before, I decided to use the IMPACT font. And because my drawing was 3D, I duplicated the white font and made it yellow and moved it more to the right to create the shadow.
This was my final design from using Photoshop and InDesign.